- FatCat won't bring out a course and sells his premarket prep instead

The importance of Trade Prep

If you know me you do know how much I hate paid content / courses and material. Thats also the reason I promise I’ll never do paid ones myself. Cause I am probably one of the very frew traders not motivated by money. I am motivated by performance and I wanna become one of the best traders out there (eventually) Money is just the way trading success is kinda measured.

But with that being said if you do want to buy something, FatCat my kinda “role model” and really one of the best traders I know of. He streamed on his Discord live for around 3 years. He is really really an amazing trader and he is selling his premarket prep.

He doesn’t sell a course in itself but he does every day around 2hours of premarket prep. And if you just take notes during his premarket prep which is pretty in depth - you pretty much have your “course”. (1week free playlist (9+ hours) from last week on YT so you get a free look exactly what you will be buying)

He has tons of very valuable stuff on his YT for free - just check it out. my trading style is pretty much a very bad copy and twisted into a just scalping strategy.

Anyways my trading would not be where it is at without him so I wanna give him this shoutout here. Just check out his video about it: