- Thats a brief introduction from a successful full time daytrader from our discord. He shared his thoughts on daytrading for a living and what helped him out the most to become consistently profitable

Scalpinskys key points to success if you want to daytrade for a living.

Debriefing video sessions :

I won’t dwell on this point because it’s pretty basic, but the most important thing about reviewing video sessions is that it’s the best training you could ever buy. Reviewing our decision-making in a calm state gives us the opportunity to understand ourselves, how we interact with the market, and identify flaws in our trading. We can spot harmful habits and try to understand why major mistakes occur. Essentially, it’s about working on our mental game.

Market Replay (with Jigsaw/tick by tick):

Market Replay is the most powerful learning tool I know. With Tradovate connected to Jigsaw, you have access to a market replay that replicates the market tick by tick for a given instrument. (Don’t use NT8’s market replay for order flow—it’s pointless.) I’ve spent more time on Market Replay than in live markets. This tool allows you to know your instrument inside out and optimize your execution. Personally, it has always boosted my learning, even when I was using indicator-based strategies. I still use it regularly, either to warm up or to stay in practice, much like regular sports training.

Maintaining two journals:

I see many traders around me who journal their trades, enter their performance in spreadsheets, and keep track of various statistics, and that’s excellent! However, psychology is inseparable from trading because, you know, we’re human! Keeping a psychological journal is essential in my opinion. It allows you to highlight biases, emotions, or detrimental behaviors in your trading. You can then work on them by creating mental maps and recurring emotional patterns specific to you. After a certain period of learning and once you have acquired most of the necessary skills to scalp the markets, most of your mistakes will stem from psychological shortcomings. Ego, impatience, FOMO, fear, excitement, and overconfidence will clearly be the main reasons for poor performance.

Physical activity:

Trading is one of the activities that require the most balance that I know of. Whether it’s technical, mental, emotional, or physical, the balance it demands to stay at the top level is akin to that of elite sports. Personally, I engage in physical activity six times a week, and the difference in my market behavior compared to when I didn’t do much or any exercise (maximum three times a week) is enormous. So, don’t neglect your physical or mental fitness, and you know what? Exercise maintains both!

Big dream/small hope:

Don’t count on trading to get rich and buy a Lamborghini (lol). It’s probably the hardest way to achieve that. As my mentor once told me, “Trading is the most difficult way to make easy money.” Be ambitious, have confidence in your ability to succeed, but don’t expect trading to lift you out of poverty or enable you to live in a villa with 10 cars and a helicopter because honestly, the chances of that happening are very slim, and this hope will hinder your progress. (Or, alternatively, write books and create training courses on trading, in which case you can expect a minimum of three Lamborghinis per year, lmao.) No, but seriously, don’t pin too much hope on this profession because success can take varying amounts of time from one person to another or may not come at all if you give up. Be patient, courageous, intelligent, and focus each day on one thing: doing your best.

One last thing:

Trust yourself! We are all different, and what works for one trader may or may not work for another. Exercise true free will and dare to do what you enjoy. It’s better to trade in your own style and make money than to copy your favorite trader’s strategy and lose (seems basic, I know, but in my own Discord group, many people try to copy what I do even though what I do is unique to myself). So, in short, trading is freedom in the literal and figurative sense, so make the most of it, create your own rules, trade the assets you love, not just what most people trade, and create YOUR trading style.

Thank you for sharing Scalpinksy - if you want to checkout his youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ScalpinskyDOMTrader