Daily Analysis Jun16th

Analysis for 16th and Daily Scenarios

Levels from yesterday 6/15 session: VAH 4485, POC 4472, VAL 4440 • A period excess • settlement and last prices at 4471.25 and 4467.50, respectively. • Single prints: 4458 and 4445/46 • 50% retracement: 4446.50 • NTPOC: 4454 • Equity Put/Call Ratio: 0.52 • AAII Sentiment: Bulls 45.2 and Bears 22.7 last updated 6/14 (numbers not seen since 2021) The ranges/areas I’m interested in are 4440, 4465, and 4490 why not say 4500?

Weekly Analysis Jun12th - Jun16th

Weekly Analysis for Jun 12th-16th and Daily Scenarios for Jun 12th

Jun 12th - Jun 16th | CPI, PPI, Fed Interest Rate Decision, FOMC, ECB Press Conference, Michigan Consumer Sentiment & Inflation Bulletized information carried forward. • Price points of interest: 4232, 4215, 4205, 4200, 4190, 4180, 4170, 4165/60, 4140, 4125, and 4100 • Waterfall moment may occur at 4075 • From ATH and October 2022 lows: 61.8%: 4309.25, 50%: 4155.25, 38.2%: 4001 • The high of Aug 16th, 2022, at 4327.

Weekly PNL 5-9th June working on Emotions

This week was all about correct trade execution and controlling my emotions during trading here. In this article you have a very in depth trade breakdown of 2 scalps and as always my weekly PNL - obviously just from 1 accounts Since stats get messed up with trade copier so everything 4x

Weekly PNL and Video for new Traders Heres a long Trade Breakdown which you guys requested and my stats for the week. Every new Trader should watch this first Watch this: PNL of the Week Weekly PNL Recap & Goals for the Week. Reflecting on the The last 1-2 Weeks I think tried too hard to optimize my strategy and my edge. As well as put a lot of effort into my daily recaps and planning and learning of my bigger timeframe analysis which I don’t even actual use right now.

Daily Trading Plan 8th June

My daily trading plan for the 8th on June and Goals I have

Daily Levels of interest Template / Example Every new Trader watch this first

Risk Disclaimer

Risk Disclaimer

The risk of loss in trading commodity futures contracts can be substantial. You should, therefore, carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances and financial resources. You should be aware of the following points: (1) You may sustain a total loss of the funds that you deposit with your broker to establish or maintain a position in the commodity futures market, and you may incur losses beyond these amounts.
